15. 05. 2024 |

In the first 3 months of 2023, the company Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. has sold over 1.1 mil. e-Vignettes, whereas in the first 3 months of 2024, it has sold over 1.2 mil. e-Vignettes, which represents an increase of roughly 104 thousand. The income from the payment of the e-Vignette amounted to 36.3 mil. EUR, this represents an increase of almost 7 % in comparison to the first quarter of 2023. The increase in sales is evident also in the structure of sales according to the country of registration for all countries monitored (e.g. Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Austria). In total, more than 500 thousand e-Vignettes were purchased for vehicles registered in foreign countries in the given period, which represents 40 % of sales.            

Around 84 % of all the e-Vignettes were purchased via cash-less transactionsthis represents an increase in comparison to the same period in 2023. From the total volume of sales, 72 % of e-Vignettes were sold electronically via the website www.eznamka.sk and the mobile application Eznamka. The website eznamka.sk is also the only official website selling the Slovak motorway e-Vignettes with no extra fees, only for the standard basic price.     

The 10-day vignette is the most preferred type

In the first quarter of 2024, the 10-day motorway vignette was the most preferred type – almost 570 thousand 10-day vignettes were sold. Then followed the 365-day vignette (with 315 thousand vignettes sold), the 1-year vignette (273 thousand vignettes sold), and the 30-day vignette (83 thousand vignettes sold). The 365-day vignette accounted for the biggest share of revenue (15.8 mil. EUR), representing 43 % of the total revenue from the sale of vignettes for the given period.    

Fake text messages do not come from the National Motorway Company

Recently, fraudulent text messages informing about e.g. unpaid invoices, unpaid fines, or additional charges for the motorway vignette have started to spread. These text messages were not sent by Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. nor the www.eznamka.sk portal. The National Motorway Company sends official text messages only in the following three cases: in case of submitting a request, e.g. a request for correction of data, in case of purchasing a motorway vignette, and shortly before the purchased vignette expires. These text messages never contain a link to a website.