   The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator issues the following General Business Terms and Conditions of Vignette Payment which are valid and effective as from 1 August 2024:
   <strong>Article I</strong><br>
   <strong>Basic Provisions</strong><br>
   1) Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (National Motorway Company), with registered office at Dúbravská cesta 14, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, company ID No: 35 919 001, registered in the Commercial Register of the City Court Bratislava III, Section: Sa, File No. 3518/B, is, based on the relevant provisions of Act no. 639/2004 Coll. on the National Motorway Company and on amendment of Act no. 135/1961 Coll. on Roads (Road Act), as amended, and provisions of Section 8 of Act No. 488/2013 Coll. on Vignette and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the "Vignette Payment Collection Administrator").<br>
   2) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, in particular, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act no. 488/2013 Coll. on Vignette and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), Government Decree No. 410/2014 Coll., which defines sections of motorways, expressways, 1st, 2nd and 3rd category roads, with toll collection as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Decree"), issues these General Terms and Conditions of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions"), which regulate in particular the details regarding the rights and obligations of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, Vehicle Operators, Vehicle Drivers, and Vehicle Operators or Combinations of Vehicles exempt from Vignette for the Use of Specified Motorway and Road Sections of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as the "Specified Road Sections").<br>
   3) Unless the context of these General Terms and Conditions indicates otherwise, in the Terms and Conditions:<br>
   a) words in singular include also the plural form and words in plural also include the singular form,<br>
   b) provisions containing the word "approve", "approval" or "agreement" or words with similar meaning that express approval require the approval and the agreement to be executed in writing,<br>
   c) without undue delay or without delay means within a period no longer than one that is necessary, in the performance with due professional care, which can be fairly required from the data subject with respect to the nature of performance/duties, to fulfil the relevant obligation, and “written” or "in writing" means written by hand, machine, printed, or electronically produced and existing in the form of a permanent record.<br>
   4) The headings of the individual articles of the Terms and Conditions shall only be for the purpose of transparent orientation and they shall not be used in the interpretation of individual provisions of the Terms and Conditions.
   <strong>Article II.</strong><br>
   <strong>Definition of Basic Terms</strong><br>
   The terms listed below have the following meanings and are capitalized throughout the Terms and Conditions:<br>
   a) "Vignette" means payment of a time charge for use of the specified road sections under the Act and is in electronic form only;<br>
   b) "Web portal" means a website www.eznamka.sk where it is possible to obtain information of a general nature, to pay the vignette, to obtain a “Confirmation of Vignette Payment, Simplified Invoice” or a “Confirmation of Vignette Payment, Invoice”, to apply for registration of vehicles and/or combinations of vehicles exempt from payment of the vignette, to lodge a claim or to request changes to the vignette payment records;<br>
   c) "Mobile App" means an application for mobile devices, through which it is possible to obtain in particular information of a general nature, to pay the vignette, to receive the “Confirmation of Vignette Payment, Simplified Invoice” or a “Confirmation of Vignette Payment, Invoice” in electronic form and to make a claim;<br>
   d) “Call Centre” is a telephone line that provides customers with the following services in several languages: verification of the period of validity of paid vignettes based on the vehicle/trailer registration number, including dispatch of a confirmation email to the customer and repeated dispatch of the confirmation of vignette payment in electronic form to the customer; receipt of claims, complaints and suggestions by customers; and provision of information about the vignette payment obligation and the amount of vignette payment.<br>
   e) "Point of Sale” (POS) is a place where the services referred to in these Terms and Conditions are or will be provided, but in particular the place where it is possible to pay for the vignette;<br>
   f) "Payment Card" is a payment tool issued by a financial institution that can be used to carry out a cash-free vignette payment. The list of payment cards accepted by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator for the purpose of vignette payment can be found on the web portal.<br>
   g) "Internet Banking" is a secure electronic banking service that enables the customer to make a cashless payment of a vignette via an Internet connection to the Bank;<br>
   h) "Certificate of registration of vehicle/vehicle combinations exempt from vignette payment" means a certificate issued to the customer by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII. of these Terms and Conditions;<br>
   i) "Confirmation of vignette payment, simplified invoice" and "Confirmation of vignette payment, invoice" are documents that include all the details specified by the relevant provisions of Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax as amended for a simplified invoice/invoice and at the same time all the details specified by the relevant provisions of the Act for the Confirmation of Vignette Payment, which are issued by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator on the basis of vignette payment carried out (hereinafter referred to as "Confirmation");<br>
   j) "Confirmation of data adjustment" is a confirmation issued to the customer by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator following successful changes to the Vignette Payment Records relating to a change in the vehicle/trailer registration number and/or the country of registration of the vehicle/trailer;<br>
   k) "Confirmation of data correction" is a confirmation issued to the customer by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator following a successful correction to the Vignette Payment Records, which relates to the correction and/or completion of incorrect and/or incomplete data provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator for payment of the vignette, in cases permitted by these Terms and Conditions;<br>
   l) "Vehicle operator" (for a vehicle combination, "vehicle combination operator") is, pursuant to the provision of Section 2(5) of Act, the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination, who is recorded in the vehicle registration certificate section 1 and 2 as the holder of the certificate, or a person entered in a vehicle registration certificate issued in a foreign country;<br>
   m) "Operator of a vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from vignette payment" is a vehicle/vehicle-combination operator pursuant to the provision of Section 7 of the Act;<br>
   n) "Vehicle driver" (for a vehicle combination, "vehicle combination driver“) is a driver who is authorised to drive the vehicle of the vehicle operator, which he/she certifies by presenting the vehicle registration certificate, the vehicle technical registration certificate or a similar document;<br>
   o) "Customer" is a vehicle or vehicle combination driver who, pursuant to the Act, is obliged to pay for the vignette, or a vehicle or vehicle combination operator who is obliged to provide for compliance with the vignette payment when using the specified road sections by the vehicle or the vehicle combination. A customer is also any other person who using the POSs, the Call Centre or our electronic channels is interested in issues related to vignette payment or intends to carry out or carries out a vignette payment for any vehicle/trailer regardless of his/her legal or other relationship to this vehicle/trailer.<br>
   p) "Order" is the form available on the Internet Portal, through which the customer can request the payment of the vignette on the Web Portal;<br>
   q) "Vignette validity" means the period of time for which the vignette is paid and which is indicated in the vignette payment confirmation.
   <strong>Article III.</strong><br>
   <strong>Obligation to Pay the Vignette</strong><br>
   1) The specified road sections, marked with appropriate traffic signs, the list of which is available on the website of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, can be used only after payment of the vignette for their use by:<br>
   a) two-track motor vehicles or vehicle combinations up to 3,5 t and two-track motor vehicles of M1 category, irrespective of their maximum technically permissible total weight (hereinafter referred to as “vehicle”),<br>
   b) two-track combinations consisting of a vehicle of M1, N1 categories and a trailer of O1 and O2 categories if a sum of the maximum technically permissible total weight of the motor vehicle and the maximum technically permissible total weight of the trailer is over 3,5 t (hereinafter referred to as “vehicle combination”).<br>
   2) In case of a vehicle combination, the vignette sum to be paid is determined by the maximum technically permissible total weight of the motor vehicle and the maximum technically permissible total weight of the trailer.<br>
   3) The driver of the vehicle or the driver of the vehicle combination is obliged to pay the vignette.<br>
   4) The vehicle operator and/or the vehicle combination operator is obliged to ensure that the obligation to pay the vignette is fulfilled when the specified road sections are used by the vehicle or the vehicle combination.
   <strong>Article IV.</strong><br>
   <strong>Amount and Validity of Vignette Payment</strong><br>
   1) The amount of the vignette payment, set by the Regulation, is determined on the basis of the maximum permissible total weight of the motor vehicle and trailer, while it is possible to buy a vignette with 365-day, 30-day, 10-day or 1-day validity, regardless of the number of journeys made, whereby:<br>
   a) 365-day vignette is valid for 365 days, including the day specified by the customer;<br>
   b) 30-day vignette is valid for 30 days, including the day specified by the customer;<br>
   c) 10-day vignette is valid for 10 days, including the day specified by the customer;<br>
   d) 1-day vignette is valid until 11:59:59 PM of the day specified by the customer.<br>
   2) The customer may determine the start of validity of a 365-day vignette up to a maximum of 13 days from the date of payment.<br>
   3) The validity of the vignette for strict liability is calculated from the selected start date of the vignette validity, namely from 12:00:00 AM. The end of the vignette validity period shall always occur on the last day of the vignette validity period at 11:59:59 PM.<br>
   4) If the vignette validity date is the same as the date of payment of the vignette, the vignette validity shall only start when the vignette payment is recorded by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, namely:<br>
   a) upon crediting of cash funds from the customer by the POS operator;<br>
   b) in case of vignette payment by a credit card or via Internet Banking, only after successful authorisation of the payment transaction;<br>
   c) in case of vignette payment in the form of an order, the vignette validity is postponed to the date specified by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator.
   <strong>Article V.</strong><br>
   <strong>Vignette Payment</strong><br>
   1) The vignette can by paid:<br>
   a) at the Points of Sale, a list of which is published on the Web Portal, in cash and/or by a payment card,<br>
   b) via the Web Portal by a payment card and/or via Internet Banking,<br>
   c) via the Mobile Apps for mobile devices by a payment card.<br>
   2) In order to pay the vignette, the customer is obliged to provide the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator with the following data:<br>
   a) the country of vehicle registration,<br>
   b) the vehicle registration number or the trailer registration number in O1 and O2 categories,<br>
   c) the vehicle type and whether it is a vehicle or a trailer,<br>
   d) the period of the vignette validity and the start of its validity, and<br>
   e) contact details for delivering documents, e-mail messages, confirmations, documents and information, if available.<br>
   3) In case a customer has decided to carry out/carries out a bulk payment of vignettes using the web portal, besides the aforesaid details in point 2) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the customer is obliged to provide the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator with the following data:<br>
   a) business name, address of the place of business, if the vehicle operator is a natural person - entrepreneur; or name, surname, address of residence and nationality if the vehicle operator is another natural person,<br>
   b) name or business name and registered office address if the vehicle operator is a legal entity,<br>
   c) the company identification no. (ID no.),<br>
   d) the tax identification no. (tax ID no.),<br>
   e) the value added tax identification number (VAT ID No.) and the country of the VAT ID No. registration.<br>
   4) Sole responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided under par. 2) and 3) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions lies with the customer. In the case that the provided data is inaccurate and/or incomplete, the customer is obliged to notify the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator of corrections, amendments and/or adjustments of such data immediately after discovering the fact:<br>
   a) when paying the vignette via the web portal or the mobile app no later than the end of the calendar day following the vignette payment or the beginning of the vignette validity,<br>
   b) through the POS operator where the vignette has been paid within 15 minutes after its payment.<br>
   5) After expiry of the time limit pursuant to par. 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator (except for the 1-day vignette) shall correct, supplement and/or change such data only if the vehicle operator proves that the vehicle registration number, incorrectly provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator for the purpose of vignette payment, has not been assigned to any vehicle in the period between the vignette payment and submission of an application for correction, supplement and/or change of the data. In order to make such correction to the payment of the vignette, the customer is obliged to submit the following documents together with the application for adjustment:<br>
   a) confirmation,<br>
   b) vehicle registration certificate,<br>
   c) confirmation of non-existence of the vehicle registration number, issued by a competent national authority with access to the Register of Vehicles of the State concerned.<br>
   The application for adjustment of data in the Vignette Payment Register can be submitted via the web portal or via selected POSs, the list of which is provided on the web portal, during the vignette validity period.<br>
   In case of failure to submit all necessary documents according to par. 5) of this article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the correction of the vignette data will not be possible.<br>
   6) In accordance with the above par. 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the customer is responsible for carrying out of only one payment of the vignette, registered in the Vignette Payment Register for one and unique registration number of the vehicle/trailer and for only one validity of the vignette payment.<br>
   7) On the basis of vignette payment, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall issue a confirmation, which, in addition to the particulars set out in the relevant provisions of Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax, as amended, shall include:<br>
   a) the place, date and time of vignette sale,<br>
   b) the country of vehicle registration,<br>
   c) the vehicle registration number or the trailer registration number in O1 and O2 categories,<br>
   d) the vehicle type and whether it is a vehicle or a trailer,<br>
   e) vignette validity - the start and end of its validity,<br>
   f) the business name and registered office of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator,<br>
   g) contact details for delivery of documents, emails, confirmations, documents and information, if the customer has provided them to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator when paying the vignette.<br>
   8) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall issue/generate a confirmation depending on the method of payment/reimbursement of the vignette:<br>
   a) upon crediting of cash funds from the customer by the POS operator (cash desk) or<br>
   b) in case of vignette payment by a payment card, only after successful authorisation of the transaction or<br>
   c) in case of vignette payment in the form of an order, only after the funds have been credited to the bank account of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator,<br>
   9) In case of vignette payment in cash, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will issue a "Confirmation of vignette payment - simplified invoice" in paper form at the Point of Sale.<br>
   10) In case of vignette payment via the web portal by a payment card or via Internet Banking, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will generate a "confirmation of vignette payment - simplified invoice" in an electronic form, suitable for printing, which will be sent electronically to the customer at the contact details for delivery of documents/confirmations.<br>
   11) In case of vignette payment via the mobile app for mobile devices by a payment card, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will generate a "confirmation of vignette payment - simplified invoice" in an electronic form, suitable for printing, which will be sent electronically to the customer at the contact details for delivery of documents/confirmations.<br>
   12) In case of bulk payment of vignettes via the web portal by a payment card and/or via Internet Banking, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will generate a "confirmation of vignette payment - invoice" in an electronic form, suitable for printing, which will be sent electronically to the customer at the contact details for delivery of documents/confirmations.<br>
   13) If the customer requests payment of the vignette in the form of an Order via the web portal, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will generate a request for payment of the Order. After crediting the funds to the bank account of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will generate a "confirmation of vignette payment - invoice" in an electronic form, suitable for printing, which will be sent electronically to the customer at the contact details for delivery of documents/confirmations.<br>
   14) The total amount of the vignettes bulk payment by a payment card is not limited by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, but it depends solely on the limits agreed between the customer and the customer's contracted commercial bank that holds the relevant bank account for the customer and has issued the relevant payment card to the customer. Only the number of vehicle registration numbers in one order is limited to 500.
   <strong>Article VI.</strong><br>
   <strong>Data adjustment in Vignette Payment Records</strong><br>
   1) A vignette is non-transferable between vehicles or trailers; except in the cases defined in the provisions of Section 116(17) of Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Traffic and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended.<br>
   2) If the vehicle or vehicle combination has a valid vignette and the act carried out by the authority of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic in the Register of Vehicles according to the provisions of Section 114 et seq. of Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Traffic and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, a registered vehicle registration number is assigned to such a vehicle or a vehicle combination which is not subject to the payment of the Vignette pursuant to provisions of Section 2(2) of the Act, while<br>
   provisions of par. 1) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions after the semicolon shall not apply; payment of the vignette shall not be refunded to the customer in such a case.<br>
   3) A data adjustment in the Vignette Payment Records can be applied for via the web portal and via selected POS, the list of which is published on the web portal, or by post to the address of the registered office of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, while the data adjustment in the Register of Vignette Payment can be made only if there is a change in the vehicle/trailer registration number and/or the country of registration of the vehicle/trailer (i.e. there is no change in the vehicle/trailer itself, nor in the type and validity of the vignette).<br>
   4) A data adjustment in the Vignette Payment Records according to par. 3) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions cannot be submitted in the cases defined in provisions of Section 116(17) of Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Traffic and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended (i.e. if the customer retains the plate with the vehicle/trailer registration number). In such a case, the vignette remains valid for this vehicle/trailer registration number.<br>
   5) In order to adjust the registration of the vehicle/trailer, the customer is obliged to submit documents proving a reason and authorisation for the requested adjustment in case of the web portal. The specific documents that can be used to prove the reason and the authorisation for the adjustment are published on the web portal. It is not possible to adjust the registration on the expired vignette.<br>
   6) On the basis of the data adjustments in the Vignette Payment Records, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall issue the customer with a Confirmation of Data Adjustment.
   <strong>Article VII.</strong><br>
   <strong>Cancellation of Vignette Payment</strong><br>
   1) The customer may cancel the payment of the vignette without giving any reason:<br>
   a) within 15 minutes of the payment at the Point of Sale where the payment was made, the Point of Sale shall refund the payment to the customer,<br>
   b) via the web portal by submitting a cancellation request before the start of the vignette validity day or within 15 minutes of the payment of the vignette if the payment was made on the day of the start of the vignette validity,<br>
   c) before the start of the vignette validity day or within 15 minutes of the payment of the vignette if the payment was made on the day of the start of the vignette validity via the Call Centre that submits the application for cancellation.<br>
   2) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment pursuant to par. 1) b) and c) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions by a cashless transfer to the bank account specified by the customer when cancelling the vignette payment.<br>
   <strong>Article VIII.</strong><br>
   <strong>Exemption from Vignette Payment</strong><br>
   1) The obligation to register vehicles/vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment in the Central Vignette Payment Records applies to vehicles/vehicle combinations according to the provisions of Section 7 of the Act:<br>
   a) basic rescue components of the integrated rescue system, municipal volunteer fire brigades, municipal police and the Slovak Red Cross,<br>
   b) foreign rescue forces participating at the request of state authorities of the<br>
   1. Slovak Republic in rescue work during emergencies or participating in the preparation of civil protection on the territory of the Slovak Republic,<br>
   2. of another state in rescue work during emergencies, humanitarian aid or participating in the preparation of civil protection outside the territory of the Slovak Republic,<br>
   c) the administrators of state-owned motorways and roads, except the concessionaire,<br>
   d) which are registered by a person who is a holder of a parking pass issued pursuant to Act No. 447/2008 Coll. on Monetary Contributions to Compensate for Severe Disability and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter also referred to as the "Parking Pass Holder"),<br>
   e) the operator of which is a person who uses a vehicle for provision of social services pursuant to Act No. 448/2008 Coll. on Social Services and on Amendments and Supplements to Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Enterprise (Trade Licensing Act), as amended by Act No. 50/2012 Coll., as amended, and does not provide social services with the aim of making a profit and accounts for this vehicle pursuant to Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting, as amended,<br>
   f) the operator of which is a facility for social-legal protection of children and social guardianship pursuant to Act No. 305/2005 Coll. on Social and Legal Protection of Children and Social Guardianship and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended,<br>
   g) foreign nationals exempt under an interstate agreement on the condition of reciprocity,<br>
   h) historical vehicles,<br>
   i) vehicles of the Financial Administration.<br>
   2) An application for registration of vehicles and/or vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment may be submitted to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator by the vehicle/vehicle combination operator exempt from the vignette payment; i.e.:<br>
   a) at selected Points of Sale, a list of which is published on the web portal or<br>
   b) directly via the web portal.<br>
   3) An application for registration of vehicles and/or vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment may be submitted to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator by the holder of the parking pass or by an authorised person, according to par. 1) d) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, namely:<br>
   a) at selected Points of Sale, a list of which is published on the web portal or<br>
   b) directly via the web portal or<br>
   c) by post to the address of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator's registered office.<br>
   4) Within the application for registration of vehicles and/or vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment to the Central Vignette Payment Records, the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment is obliged to submit documents proving that the operator of the vehicle / vehicle combination is exempted from the vignette payment and documents proving a reason for such exemption. The specific documents that can be used to prove the reason for such exemption are published on the web portal. If the exemption of the vehicle or vehicle combination from the vignette payment is limited in time, the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt<br>
   from the vignette payment shall indicate the time to which such exemption of the vehicle or vehicle combination from the vignette payment applies. In case of an application for registration of a vehicle or a vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment to the Central Vignette Payment Records via the web portal, the operator of the vehicle or the vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment is obliged to submit the above-mentioned documents in electronic form.<br>
   5) In the context of an application for registration under par. 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from vignette payment shall submit in particular the following data:<br>
   a) business name, company ID no., address of the place of business, if the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination is a natural person - entrepreneur; name, surname, date of birth, address of residence, nationality, ID card number or passport number if the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination is another natural person,<br>
   b) name or business name, company ID no. and registered office address if the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination is a legal entity,<br>
   c) the vehicle registration number and the country in which the vehicle or vehicle combination is registered,<br>
   d) the contact details of the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination, in particular a contact telephone no. and an e-mail address, if available.<br>
   6) Accuracy of the data provided under par. 4) a 5) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions shall be the sole responsibility of the Operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment. If the information provided is incorrect or incomplete, the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment is obliged to notify the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator of the correction, addition or change of such data immediately after becoming aware of this fact, in the manner specified in par. 2) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions.<br>
   7) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator is not responsible for the registration of vehicles/vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment if:<br>
   a) the registration/application for registration will not be carried out in accordance with the provisions of par. 2); in the case of a parking pass holder under par. 3) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions,<br>
   b) The operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment does not provide the documents referred to in par. 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions,<br>
   c) The operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment does not provide the data referred to in par. 5) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions.<br>
   8) In case that the registration/application for registration of vehicles and/or vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment is not carried out in accordance with the provisions of points (a) and (b) of the par. 2) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions; in case of a parking pass holder according to points a), b), c) par. 3) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions; and/or the documents by means of which the operator of the vehicle or the vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment proves the reason for the exemption contain data beyond the data specified in the relevant documents published on the web portal, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall immediately shred - permanently destroy all the documents so received without any possibility of their renewal.<br>
   9) The operator of the vehicle or the vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment may submit to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator only one application for registration of one vehicle and/or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment relating to one parking pass issued in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 447/2008 Coll. on Monetary Contributions for the Compensation of Severe Disability and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended. In case that the customer submits a new application for registration of a vehicle and/or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment relating to a parking pass already registered in the Vignette Payment Records, the original registration of the vehicle and/or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment shall cease to exist on the date of submission of such new application. A parking pass holder may only have one exempt vehicle per parking pass at any one time.<br>
   10) The operator of the vehicle/driver of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment may use the specified road sections only on the basis of a document issued by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, namely a positive statement to the Application for registration of the vehicle and/or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment, or a confirmation of exemption which is generated and sent to the customer electronically to the email address specified in the Application or by post to the address specified in the Application, immediately after the vehicle has been registered in the database of vehicles/vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment.<br>
   11) The operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment is not obliged to pay/reimburse the vignette during the period of exemption. In case the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment has paid the vignette before the exemption entered into force and effect, before the positive response to the application for registration of the vehicle and/or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment or before issue of the exemption confirmation, this payment shall not be refunded to the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment.<br>
   12) The Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Defence") is obliged to register a vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment pursuant to the provisions of Section 7(1)(d) of the Act in the Central Vignette Payment Records in sufficient time before the start of using the specified road sections, providing the following data:<br>
   a) the planned route,<br>
   b) the place and time of entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic and the place and time of leaving the territory of the Slovak Republic,<br>
   c) the vehicle registration number and the country in which the vehicle is registered.<br>
   13) In case that immediately prior to commencement of the use or during the use of the specified road sections by a vehicle or vehicle combination exempt under the provisions of Section 7(1)(d) of the Act, any of the data is changed, the Ministry of Defence is obliged to provide the changed data to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator for registration within five days from the date of such change.<br>
   14) For the purposes of registration and control of registration of the vehicle or vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment pursuant to the provisions of Section 7(1)(h) of the Act, the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family shall electronically provide to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator with data on a natural person with severe disabilities who is a parking pass holder. The data shall be provided in the form of first and last name, date of birth, parking pass number and date of issue of the parking pass.<br>
   15) In case that the reason for exempting the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment is no longer applicable, the operator of the vehicle or vehicle combination is obliged to immediately notify the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator of this fact and to request the cancellation of exemption of the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment. An application for cancellation of the exemption of a vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment may be submitted via the web portal, selected Points of Sale, the list of which is published on the web portal, or by post to the address of the registered office of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator.<br>
   16) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall issue the customer a confirmation on cancellation of registration of the exemption of the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment on the basis of cancelled registration of the exemption of the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment.<br>
   17) The exemption of the vehicle or vehicle combination from the vignette payment, which is limited in time, shall expire on the date of the time limitation without generating a confirmation on<br>
   cancellation of the exemption of the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment.
   <strong>Article IX.</strong><br>
   <strong>Refund of Vignette Payment</strong><br>
   1) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette on the basis of an application for vignette refund in case of multiple vignette payments for the same vehicle/vehicle combination, provided that there is at least a partial overlap of the validity period of the vignettes. The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the payment(s) of the later paid Vignette(s). In order to effect a refund under par. 1) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents:<br>
   a) application for refund of the vignette payment,<br>
   b) vehicle/vehicle combination registration certificate - photocopy,<br>
   c) confirmation of both vignette payments.<br>
   2) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment on the basis of the application for refund of the vignette payment in case the vignette has been paid for a motor vehicle/vehicle combination which is not subject to the vignette payment obligation pursuant to Article III, par.1) of these Business Terms and Conditions. In order to effect a refund under par. 2) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents:<br>
   a) application for refund of the vignette payment,<br>
   b) vehicle/vehicle combination registration certificate - photocopy,<br>
   c) confirmation of the vignette payment.<br>
   3) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment on the basis of the application for refund of the vignette payment in case the vignette has been paid for a motor vehicle/vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment. In case of vehicles/vehicle combinations exempt from the vignette payment which are subject to registration, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment which was made after registration of the exemption of the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment with the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator. In order to effect a refund under par. 3) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents:<br>
   a) application for refund of the vignette payment,<br>
   b) vehicle/vehicle combination registration certificate - photocopy,<br>
   c) confirmation of the vignette payment,<br>
   d) certificate of registration exempting the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment.<br>
   4) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette on the basis of the application for refund of the vignette payment in case it has been paid for a vehicle/vehicle combination with a non-existent vehicle registration number. Provided that an adjustment of the vignette paid for a non-existent vehicle registration number has been carried out and at the same time another vignette has been paid for the same vehicle, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment with a later validity. In order to effect a refund under par. 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents:<br>
   a) application for refund of the vignette payment,<br>
   b) confirmation of the vignette payment,<br>
   c) confirmation of non-existent vehicle/vehicle combination registration number issued by a competent national authority with access to the Register of Vehicles of the State concerned.<br>
   5) The application for refund of the vignette payment can be submitted via the web portal, via selected Points of Sale, the list of which is published on the web portal or by post to the address of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator.<br>
   6) In case of a failure to submit all the necessary documents according to points 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the refund of the vignette payment will not be possible.<br>
   7) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall effect the refund of the vignette(s) payment by a cashless transfer to the bank account specified in the application for refund of the vignette(s) payment.
   <strong>Article X.</strong><br>
   <strong>Customer Support Services</strong><br>
   1) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator provides support services to customers, which include in particular the provision of services to vehicle operators or vehicle drivers, generally through the Points of Sale, Call Centre, mobile apps and the web portal.<br>
   2) The staffed Points of Sale, a list of which is published on the web portal, provide in particular the following services:<br>
   a) payment of the vignettes and issuance of a confirmation,<br>
   b) receiving payments in cash and non-cash by a payment card,<br>
   c) correction and/or completion of incorrect and/or incomplete information provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator when paying the vignette - exclusively within the Point of Sale where the vignette payment was made, within 15 minutes of the vignette payment,<br>
   d) receipt of applications for change/adjustment in the Vignette Payment Records (only through selected Points of Sale, the list of which is published on the web portal) in case of a change in the registration number of the vehicle/trailer or the country of registration of the vehicle/trailer (i.e. neither the vehicle/trailer itself nor the type and validity of the vignette are changed),<br>
   e) receipt of applications and documents for registration of the vehicle on the list of vehicles exempt from the vignette payment (only through selected Points of Sale, the list of which is published on the web portal) and the subsequent processing of the application by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator,<br>
   f) providing information on the obligation to pay the vignette, the amount of the vignette payment and the procedure for making a claim.<br>
   3) In particular, the Call Centre provides the following support services to customers:<br>
   a) verification of the validity period of the paid vignette based on the vehicle/trailer registration number with sending a confirmation email with the unique transaction identification number, vehicle/trailer registration number and the validity period of the paid vignette,<br>
   b) resending the confirmation electronically to the customer,<br>
   c) providing information on the obligation to pay the vignette and the amount of the vignette payment,<br>
   d) receiving complaints, claims, requests and suggestions from customers,<br>
   e) receipt of applications for cancellation of vignette payment pursuant to Article VII.1(c) of the Business Terms and Conditions.<br>
   4) In particular, mobile applications provide the following services in a secure manner:<br>
   a) cashless payment of the vignette by a payment card,<br>
   b) issuing the confirmation in an electronic form suitable for printing,<br>
   c) sending a confirmation email with the unique transaction identification number, vehicle/trailer registration number and the validity period of the paid vignette,<br>
   d) verification of the validity period of the paid vignette with sending a confirmation email with the unique transaction identification number, vehicle/trailer registration number and the validity period of the paid vignette,<br>
   e) providing general information on the obligation to pay the vignette and the amount of the vignette payment,<br>
   f) correction and/or completion of incorrect and/or incomplete information provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator when paying the vignette, by the end of the calendar day within which the vignette was paid or by the beginning of the vignette validity period,<br>
   g) receiving of complaints, claims, requests and suggestions from customer.<br>
   5) In particular, the web portal provides the following support services to customers in a secure manner:<br>
   a) Cashless payment of the vignette by a payment card and/or via Internet Banking,<br>
   b) bulk payment of vignettes by a payment card and/or via Internet Banking,<br>
   c) issuing the confirmation in an electronic form suitable for printing,<br>
   d) sending a confirmation email with the unique transaction identification number, vehicle/trailer registration number and the validity period of the paid vignette,<br>
   e) verification of the validity period of the paid vignette,<br>
   f) providing general information on the obligation to pay the vignette and the amount of the vignette payment,<br>
   g) receiving complaints, claims, requests and suggestions from customers,<br>
   h) correction and/or completion of incorrect and/or incomplete information provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator when paying the vignette, by the end of the calendar day within which the vignette was paid or by the beginning of the vignette validity period,,<br>
   i) receipt of applications for changes to the data in the Vignette Payment Records,<br>
   j) receipt of applications and documents relating to the registration of vehicles exempt from the vignette payment to the Register of vehicles exempt from the vignette payment and the subsequent processing of applications by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator,<br>
   k) receipt of applications and documents for correction of data incorrectly provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator for the vignette payment,<br>
   l) receipt of applications for vignette refund,<br>
   m) receipt of applications for the confirmation duplicate.
   <strong>Article XI.</strong><br>
   <strong>Complaint Procedure</strong><br>
   1) The Complaint Procedure regulates the legal relations between the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator and the customer in the handling of complaints concerning the correctness and quality of the vignette payment service provided to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator.<br>
   2) The Complaint Procedure is governed by the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic.<br>
   3) For the purposes of this Complaint Procedure, a complaint is a right asserted by a customer, in particular by the vehicle operator and/or the vehicle driver, on the grounds of liability for poor and/or defective provision of services by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, as a result of which the vehicle operator and/or the vehicle driver seeks rectification and/or compensation for defective performance (hereinafter referred to as a "complaint").<br>
   4) In accordance with this Complaint Procedure, the customer may initiate a complaint proceedings in the following manner:<br>
   a) on the basis of a complaint submitted on the web portal,<br>
   b) on the basis of a complaint made by telephone, through the Call Centre and<br>
   c) on the basis of a complaint submitted via the mobile app.<br>
   5) A written complaint can be submitted in Slovak and/or English.<br>
   6) With the exception of the above par. 4), point (a). b) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, a complaint can be made by filling in and submitting the form on the web portal or via the mobile app for mobile devices.<br>
   7) The complaint proceedings shall be deemed as initiated by the proper filing of a complaint in accordance with par. 3) and 4) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions. In case of a complaint made via the Call Centre, the complaint is deemed as filed at the moment of the end of the telephone call.<br>
   8) The customer has the right to file a complaint within 30 days from the date on which he/she became aware or could have become aware for the first time of the fact that is the subject of the complaint.<br>
   9) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator reserves the right not to accept a complaint:<br>
   a) if it has not been lodged at the place and in the manner required by this Complaint Procedure and/or has not been lodged within the time limit,<br>
   b) if it is incomplete and/or vague/anonymous and the customer does not complete the complaint with the missing data and documents specified in the written request for completion even within 14 days after the receipt of the request for completion by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator; or<br>
   c) if it relates to facts not covered by this Complaint Procedure and/or relating to the control of vignette payment under the Act.<br>
   10) The costs of the complaint proceedings until its decision shall be borne by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator - it does not apply to any costs incurred by the customer in connection with the complaint proceedings.<br>
   11) In case of non-acceptance of a complaint under par. 9) of this Article of the Business Terms and Conditions, the complaint proceedings shall not be initiated.<br>
   12) The complaint proceedings shall commence on the date of the proper filing of the complaint in accordance with the provisions of this Complaint Procedure, which are part of the Business Terms and Conditions. The commencement of a complaint proceedings under these Business Terms and Conditions shall be understood to mean:<br>
   a) on the web portal: by sending a properly completed complaint from the web portal - the next working day after the proper electronic submission of a fully completed complaint report,<br>
   b) in case of a proper telephone call: the date and time of the call. In case of a complaint by telephone, it is not a requirement that the complaint is handled in writing,<br>
   c) via the mobile app: by submitting a properly completed complaint via the mobile app - the next business day after the proper electronic submission of a fully completed complaint form.<br>
   13) After determining the method of handling the complaint, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will handle the complaint immediately, and in justified cases will also handle the complaint later - however, the handling of the complaint will not take longer than 30 days from the date of filing the complaint.<br>
   14) In case that the complaint was incomplete and/or ambiguous and/or anonymous, the time limit for processing of the complaint shall begin on the date of the complete completion of the missing information.<br>
   15) The complaint proceedings end on the date of the complaint settlement, which is also the end of the complaint proceedings.<br>
   16) The customer is notified of the complaint handling by sending a written opinion to the customer´s e-mail address. If the complaint is made by telephone, it is not a requirement that the complaint be handled in writing. When reporting a complaint by telephone, the telephone notification of the handling or sending an opinion on the handling of the complaint to the customer's e-mail address shall be deemed as its handling.
   <strong>Article XII.</strong><br>
   <strong>Personal Data Processing</strong><br>
   1) Any information regarding the processing of personal data is available at www.eznamka.sk and at www.ndsas.sk.
   <strong>Article XIII.</strong><br>
   <strong>Final Provisions</strong><br>
   1) The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall be entitled to unilaterally amend, supplement and/or replace these Business Terms and Conditions with new Business Terms and Conditions, in particular in case of amendments to the legislation in the field of vignette payment collection on the basis of which these Business Terms and Conditions were issued. The current version of the Business Terms and Conditions is published on the web portal.<br>
   2) Amendments, additions or replacements of the Business Terms and Conditions shall enter into force upon their publication by the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator on the web portal.<br>
   3) Legal relations not regulated by these Business Terms and Conditions shall be governed primarily by the legislation in the field of vignette payment, as well as the relevant provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended, the relevant provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, as well as other related legal regulations.<br>
   4) These Business Terms and Conditions are drawn up in the Slovak language. In case of other language versions of these Business<br>
   Terms and Conditions and occurrence of any discrepancy/conflict/interpretation problem or any other ambiguity, the Slovak language version shall prevail.<br>
   5) These Business Terms and Conditions shall come into force and effect on 1 August 2024.<br>
   Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s.