The following includes the current list and detailed information about the Points of Sale network – in particular petrol stations in the Slovak Republic and selected Points of Sale in regional cities – which allow the submission of requests and documents for registering a vehicle that is exempt from vignette payment or requests and documents for changing the data in the central records of vignette payments.

Name Operator Location Type
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Nitra, Priemyselná 86/4 PAYWELL a.s. Nitra
Košice, Rastislavova 106 PAYWELL a.s. Košice
Bratislava, Studená 5 PAYWELL a.s. Bratislava
Trenčín, Bratislavská 36 (areál OLD HEROLD) PAYWELL a.s. Trenčín
Prešov, Jilemnického 4 (SAD) PAYWELL a.s. Prešov
Trnava, Nová ulica (TANKER Truckcentrum) PAYWELL a.s. Trnava
Žilina, Kragujevská 9 PAYWELL a.s. Žilina
Banská Bystrica, Zvolenská 14 (Business center) PAYWELL a.s. Banská Bystrica
Shell Prešov Petrovianska SMD Future s.r.o. Prešov Points of Sale
Poprad - západ ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Poprad Points of Sale
Ružomberok ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Ružomberok Points of Sale
Žiar nad Hronom ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Žiar nad Hronom Points of Sale
Nitra - Kynek ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Nitra Points of Sale
Bratislava - DČS Lamač ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Bratislava Points of Sale
Bratislava - smer Jarovce ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Bratislava Points of Sale
Tesárske Mlyňany ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Zlaté Moravce Points of Sale
Janovík Východ smer PO ORLEN Unipetrol Slovakia s. r. o. Šarišské Bohdanovce Points of Sale
Zemianska Olča Dalioil Komárno Points of Sale
ČS Dunajská Streda Pumpa SK Dunajská Streda Points of Sale
ČS Dunajská Streda 2 Pumpa SK Dunajská Streda Points of Sale
ČS Revúca Pumpa SK Revúca Points of Sale
ČS Jesenské Pumpa SK Jesenské Points of Sale
ČS Galanta Pumpa SK Galanta Points of Sale
ČS Dolné Lefantovce Pumpa SK Dolné Lefantovce Points of Sale
ČS Kamenín Pumpa SK Kamenín Points of Sale
ČS Smižany Pumpa SK Smižany Points of Sale
ČS Žabokreky nad Nitrou Pumpa SK Žabokreky nad Nitrou Points of Sale
ČS Jerichov Pumpa SK Brezolupy Points of Sale
Prešov, Petrovianska Pumpa SK Prešov Points of Sale
ČS Milhosť Pumpa SK Milhosť Points of Sale
ČS Hoffer, Nová stráž (HU) HOFFER, s.r.o. Komárno Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Veľký Kýr Real-K Nové Zámky Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Tvrdošovce Real-K Nové Zámky Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Cabaj-Čápor Real-K Nitra Points of Sale
ČS Real-K Nitra, Levická Real-K Nitra Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Nitra, Dolné Hony Real-K Nitra Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Komárno Real-K Komárno Points of Sale
ČS Real-K Trenčín Real-K Trenčín Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Trnava Real-K Trnava Points of Sale
ČS Real-K - Svinná Real-K Trenčín Points of Sale