Types of electronic vignettes

Vignettes in the Slovak Republic are in electronic form. They represent a fee for using the specified sections of motorways and expressways (hereinafter referred to as the „specified road sections“), which is related to a specific time period regardless of the distance driven or the number of journeys.

The types of electronic vignettes for the use of the specified road sections are regulated by the provisions of Section 2(2) and Section 3 of Act No. 488/2013 Coll. on Electronic Vignette and on amending and supplementing certain acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act”), based on which the electronic vignette payment is made for 356 days, 30 days, 10 days or 1 day, while:

  • a 365-day electronic vignette is valid for 365 days including the day specified by the user of the specified road sections;
  • a 30-day electronic vignette is valid for 30 days including from the day specified by the Customer;
  • a 10-day electronic vignette is valid for 10 days including from the day specified by the Customer,
  • a 1-day electronic vignette is valid until 24:00 on the day specified by the user of specified motorway sections

The day specified by the user of specified motorway sections is the first day of validity of the vignette. In the case of the 1-day vignette, it is the only day of its validity. 

If a 30-day or 10-day vignette is purchased in December, the vignette is also valid in January of the following year until its expiry date.


Electronic vignette payment

The specified road sections marked by traffic signs may be used, in accordance with the law, following the payment of an electronic vignette for their use. The amount of payment is stipulated in Regulation of the Slovak Government No. 410/2014 Coll. establishing the amount of payment for the electronic vignette for the use of specified sections of motorways and expressways as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Government Regulation").

Review of the valid types and the prices of electronic vignettes can be found in the following table review (all prices are stated including VAT):


Vignette: VEHICLE

a two-track motor vehicle or a vehicle combination up to 3.5 tons and/or a two-track motor vehicle of the M1 category regardless of its maximum technically permissible weight

365 DAYS


90 €




17,10 €




10,80 €




8,10 €


Vignette: TRAILER

a trailer of the O1 and O2 category if the sum of the total maximum technically permissible weight of the motor vehicle of the M1, N1 category and the total maximum technically permissible maximum weight o the trailer exceeds 3.5 tons

365 DAYS


90 €




17,10 €




10,80 €




8,10 €

Necessary type and number of e-vignettes

On the basis of the provisions of Section 2 and Section 5 of Act and in accordance with the provision of Section 1 of the Government Regulation an electronic vignette must be purchased for a vehicle and in case a vehicle combination whose maximum technically permissible weight is over 3.5 tons also for the trailer.

The aforesaid facts are shown on the following spreadsheet reports displaying the required type and number of paid electronic vignettes depending on the category of the vehicle and the maximum total permissible weight of a vehicle or the maximum permissible weight of a vehicle combination (the maximum total permissible weight of a vehicle or the maximum permissible weight of a vehicle combination are specified by entry in the section 1 of the Vehicle Registration Certificate):



a two-track motor vehicle up to 3.5 tons and/or a two-track motor vehicle of the M1 category regardless of its maximum technically permissible weight

Vignette necessary for: VEHICLE

the obligation of vignette payment for the use of the specified sections of motorways and expressways applies to the VEHICLE exclusively


a two-track vehicle combination (i.e. vehicle + trailer) up to 3.5 tons

Vignette necessary for: VEHICLE

the obligation of vignette payment for the use of the specified sections of motorways and expressways applies to the VEHICLE exclusively


two-track vehicle combination (i.e. vehicle + trailer) consisting of a motor vehicle of the M1, N1 category and a trailer of the O1 and O2 category if the total technically permissible weight of the vehicle combination is over 3.5 tons.

Vignettes necessary for: VEHICLE + TRAILER

the obligation of vignette payment for the use of the specified sections of motorways and expressways applies to the VEHICLE and also the TRAILER

Based on the above factual and legal facts in the case a two-track vehicle combination with a total weight of up to 3.5 tonnes the vignette payment for the trailer IS NOT REQUIRED, i.e. the obligation of vignette payment for the use of the specified sections of motorways and expressways applies to the vehicle exclusively.


A detailed specification of vehicles subject to vignette payment is specified in the section Vehicles subject to vignette payment. Detailed information about the methods of vignette payment (options to purchase and methods of vignette payment), how to obtain vignettes, how to pay for them, how to check the validity of already paid vignettes or how to submit customer suggestions, requests or claims can be found in the section Customer Services.