As well as in Slovak, the Customer Service Line (“Call Centre”) of the electronic system of vignette collection and records is available in English, German, Hungarian, Polish and Russian on the phone number 02 32777 777 (for calls from abroad: 00421 2 32777 777).
The Customer Service Line provides customers with complex information about the electronic system of vignette payment collection and records in the Slovak Republic, in particular the obligation to pay vignettes, the amount of vignette payment (i.e., the actual types and prices of vignettes), the network of specified sections of motorways and expressways subject to vignette payment, and so on, in the following hours of operation:
- Slovak, English and German: Monday – Sunday NONSTOP (24 hours a day)
- Russian, Polish and Hungarian: Monday – Sunday between 06:00 and 22:00
Besides the aforesaid information the Customer Service Line also provides customers with a free service that verifies the vignette period of validity and repeated dispatch of the confirmation of vignette payment, as well as receives customer claims, complaints and suggestions.