As well as Slovak, the mobile application “eznamka” for mobile devices is available for customers (see the definition of the term “customer” in detail in the Vignettes section, subsection Glossary of terms) in the following languages: English, German, Hungarian, Polish and Russian.
The mobile application provides customers, in a secure manner, with the following scope of services:
- cash-free payment of vignettes using a payment card;
- verification of the period of validity of paid vignettes;
- receipt of customer claims, complaints and suggestions;
- general information about the obligation of vignette payment and the amount of vignette payment (i.e., the current types and prices of vignettes).
The mobile application eznamka can be downloaded for free in the following online stores:
All other details about customer business and communication channels and the scope of services they provide are specified in the relevant provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Electronic Vignette Payment of the Electronic Vignette Payment Administrator (see the definition of the term “Vignette Payment Collection Administrator” in detail in the Vignettes section, subsection Glossary of terms), which are available in the Customer services section, subsection Documents for download.