How and when can you request a refund for purchased motorway vignette?

Multiple vignette payments for the same vehicle/vehicle combination, provided that there is at least a partial overlap of the validity period of the vignettes

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment on the basis of the request for refund of the purchased motorway vignette under the following circumstance:

  • Multiple vignette payments for the same vehicle/vehicle combination, provided that there is at least a partial overlap of the validity period of the vignettes.

In order to effect a refund under this clause, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents: 

a) request for refund of the vignette payment (the form is available in the Documents for download), 

b) vehicle/vehicle combination registration certificate – photocopy, 

c) confirmation of both vignette payments.

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the payment(s) of the later paid Vignette(s).

In case of a failure to submit all the necessary documents according to the above clauses, the refund of the vignette payment will not be possible.

The vignette has been paid for a motor vehicle/vehicle combination, which is not subject to the vignette payment obligation (vehicles not classified under categories M1, N1, O1, O2)

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment on the basis of the request for refund of the purchased motorway vignette under the following circumstance:

  • The vignette has been paid for a motor vehicle/vehicle combination, which is not subject to the vignette payment obligation (vehicles not classified under categories M1, N1, O1, O2).

In order to effect a refund under this clause, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents: 

a) request for refund of the vignette payment (the form is available in the Documents for download), 

b) vehicle/vehicle combination registration certificate – photocopy, 

c) confirmation of the vignette payment.

In case of a failure to submit all the necessary documents according to the above clauses, the refund of the vignette payment will not be possible.

The vignette has been paid for a motor vehicle/vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment on the basis of the request for refund of the purchased motorway vignette under the following circumstance:

  • The vignette has been paid for a motor vehicle/vehicle combination exempt from the vignette payment.

In order to effect a refund under this clause, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents: 

a) request for refund of the vignette payment (the form is available in the Documents for download), 

b) vehicle/vehicle combination registration certificate – photocopy, 

c) confirmation of the vignette payment, 

d) certificate of registration exempting the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment.

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment which was made after registration of the exemption of the vehicle/vehicle combination from the vignette payment with the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator.

In case of a failure to submit all the necessary documents according to the above clauses, the refund of the vignette payment will not be possible.

The vignette has been paid for a vehicle/vehicle combination with a non-existent vehicle registration number. Provided that an adjustment of the vignette paid for a non-existent vehicle registration number has been carried out and at the same time another vignette has been paid for the same vehicle

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment on the basis of the request for refund of the purchased motorway vignette under the following circumstance:

  • The vignette has been paid for a vehicle/vehicle combination with a non-existent vehicle registration number. Provided that an adjustment of the vignette paid for a non-existent vehicle registration number has been carried out and at the same time another vignette has been paid for the same vehicle.

In order to effect a refund under this clause, it is necessary to provide the following supporting documents: 

a) request for refund of the vignette payment (the form is available in the Documents for download), 

b) confirmation of the vignette payment, 

c) confirmation of a non-existent vehicle/vehicle combination registration number issued by the competent national authority with access to the Register of Vehicles of the State concerned.

The Vignette Payment Collection Administrator shall refund the vignette payment with a later validity. 

In case of a failure to submit all the necessary documents according to the above clauses, the refund of the vignette payment will not be possible.

How to submit the request

A completed request together with the necessary attachments (documents) can be submitted by the applicant to the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator in the following ways:

  • directly through the web portal – subsection „Requests, Suggestions and Claims“ > type of submission “Request” > Subject “Other (request)” > Submission description “Payment refund
  • by post to the address of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator.
Request handling procedure

If the request is complete and justified, the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator will refund the payment for the vignette(s) via a cashless transfer to the bank account number provided in the request for refund of the vignette payment. A credit note may be issued to the applicant upon request and will be sent electronically.

All rights and obligations of customers are regulated by the relevant provisions of the General Business Terms and Conditions of the Vignette Payment Collection Administrator, which are available in the Customer services section, subsection Documents for download.