01. 08. 2024 |
Press Release

The Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic signed a decree that will enter into force on August 1, 2024 and will enable using specified motorway sections without the need of vignette payment. Following this change, motorway bypasses around the cities of Bratislava, Nitra, Košice, Prešov, Poprad and Žilina will be free of charge. Overall, more than 200 km of motorways will be made available to drivers to use without the vignette payment. It is a move not only towards the drivers but mainly towards the residents of bigger cities. Diverting the traffic away from the city is one of the steps towards increasing traffic comfort and reducing traffic congestion and air pollution within the city limits. The start and the end of the specified motorway section that can be used without the vignette payment will be marked with traffic signs in a standard way.

Map of the charged and free of charge sections of motorways and expressways is available here.