31. 12. 2015 |
Press Release

Start of electronic vignette validity

From 1 January 2016 motorists will only have electronic vignette available. Motorists can buy a 1-year (50 EUR), 30-day (14 EUR) or 10-day (10 EUR) electronic vignette simply and speedily through the web portal www.eznamka.sk or by using the mobile application "eznámka".

Drivers can buy electronic vignettes at more than 200 Points of Sale or in self-serve machines at border crossings.

You can find more useful information on the web portal of the National Motorway Company in the new section Charging of motorways.

Vignette validity 2015

For motorists who have on their windshields a 1-year motorway sticker, the period of validity of the sticker will expire on 31 January 2016 at midnight. For those who in the course of December bought short-term motorway stickers, the period of validity will expire in January 2016.

For example, if a motorist bought a short-term 10-day motorway sticker on 28 December 2015 and it was marked as of this date, it will be valid for 10 days, i.e. until midnight on 6 January 2016.

National Motorway Company (Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s.)